Any Day Now
Ok ok...I know it’s been a while since we have last gathered and if you’re like me I’m sure life has been extremely busy life’ng. I pray...

Without A Trace
Come on in and pull up a chair. I know it has been a while since we have last gathered but I promise you I’ve been working HARD over...

Part 2: No Is A Complete Sentence; The Dangers of Self-Sabotage
Before we get started let me say hello & welcome to another edition of Tiana Sherell Speaks. If you’re new here I’d like to welcome you &...

Part I: The Power of NO...It's A Complete Sentence
Take a deep breath. Breathe in through your nose exhale slowly through your mouth…repeat. That was for my benefit not yours, although I...

Fixed & Firmly Planted; Where Are Your Roots?
Fixed & Firmly Planted (Where Are Your Roots)? Fixed-fastened securely in a particular place or position; not easily moved; to lodge or...

Don't Look Back
Don’t Look Back Hey Folks happy February! I hope by now you’ve found your groove & are off to an awesome start of the new year. Let’s...

New Year Same You? The Power of Reset
Happy New Year Ladies & Gents! I figured I’d give us all some time to settle into the New Year before I checked in with everyone. I hope...

Is the Pit My Palace? Enduring the Process To Obtain the Promise
Wow it’s hard to believe I started writing this blog over 1 year ago & just came to a complete halt. Immediately I started thinking about...

Fun House Mirrors: Is that Really Me I See? The Battle of Low Self Esteem
Low self-esteem is a very real and a very serious issue I know all too well. Looking in the mirror and feeling inadequate is more than...

Courage: The Response to Hello World I'm A Survivor
Courage-mental or moral strength to venture (to expose hazard) persevere, & withstand danger, fear or difficulty. As I began to read the...